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  • Celebrating 70 years of industry engagement at IPPE

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  • Aviagen SAEB welcomes Jairo Agostini

    CAMPINAS, Brazil – Aviagen® Latin America is pleased to announce that Commercial Manager Jairo Agostini will now also be responsible for the South America Excluding Brazil (SAEB) region, effective Jan 1. Agostini assumes this role from Luis Cesio, who leaves behind a remarkable 25-year legacy of serving the company, its customers and the poultry industry as a whole. Agostini will maintain his current responsibilities in Brazil and Peru.

    Leveraging his impressive history of expertise and leaders…

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  • Aviagen Celebrates 70 Years of Industry Engagement at IPPE

    HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Aviagen® is proud to celebrate 70 consecutive years of engaging with the global poultry industry at the International Production and Processing Exhibition (IPPE), which will take place this year from Jan. 30-Feb. 1 in Atlanta. Aviagen will be recognized for this milestone at the Chairman’s Reception, hosted by show organizer USPOULTRY, on Jan. 29 at 5:30 pm at the Georgia Aquarium.

    Breeding Success Together

    Aviagen’s show theme is “Breeding Success Together,” which captures…

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  • Aviagen lança manuais de manejo de matrizes para as marcas Arbor Acres, Indian River e Ross

    EDIMBURGO, Escócia – A equipe de Transferência Técnica Global da Aviagen® (GTT, na sigla em inglês) anuncia o lançamento de manuais de manejo de matrizes das marcas Arbor Acres®, Indian River® e Ross®. A Aviagen desenvolveu as novas versões para oferecer aos clientes as mais recentes práticas recomendadas de manejo, permitindo que os produtores de aves alcancem o máximo nível em sanidade, bem-estar animal e eficiência em seus lotes de matrizes.

    Os clientes podem efetuar o download desses docume…

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  • Discover Aviagen’s “Decades of Breeding for Welfare and Sustainability” 2

    EDINBURGH, Scotland. – Aviagen® is pleased to introduce its latest publication, “Decades of Breeding for Welfare and Sustainability.” Building on the success of the company’s 2016 release, “Decades of Welfare and Sustainability Selection at Aviagen Chickens and Turkeys,” this extensive update shines a light on the steady advancements Aviagen has made over the years. Balanced progress in the breeding program has translated into continuous improvements observed in the field. Breeding for welfare a…

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  • Aviagen Latin America Appoints Jorge Amado as New Regional Technical Manager, Expanding Role for Gro

    Amado will replace Mário Sérgio Assayag as he assumes a new role in the global veterinary team

    CAMPINAS, Brazil – Aviagen® Latin America is proud to announce the appointment of Jorge Amado as its new Regional Technical Manager, effective March 1. Amado joined Aviagen in 2012 as a Technical Services Manager, and since 2018, has fulfilled the role of Head of Technical Services for Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean (CAME), providing Ross® customers in the region with exceptional service.…

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  • Introducing the 2022 Aviagen Sustainability Report: A journey toward a sustainable future for all

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  • “Aviagen Connection” Aims to Share Knowledge with Poultry Producers Across Brazil

    CAMPINAS, Brazil – Throughout March and April, Aviagen® Brazil hosted its “Aviagen Connection” event series, traveling across the nation to equip poultry producers with the latest insight and innovations aimed at maximizing the potential of Ross® 308 AP broilers. Close to 500 customers participated in events in the cities of Pará de Minas (MG), Goiânia (GO), Cascavel (PR), Maringá (PR), Garibaldi (RS), Chapecó (SC), Rio Claro (SP) and Recife (PE), benefiting from tips to improve the health, well…

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  • Breeding a sustainable future: balanced genetic selection optimized with genomics

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  • Aviagen América Latina lidera el camino en sostenibilidad ambiental en Brasil

    CAMPINAS, Brasil – Aviagen® América Latina está comprometida con mejorar la eficiencia y la responsabilidad medio ambiental de la producción avícola mundial. Demostrando este compromiso, Aviagen ha realizado significativas inversiones en Brasil, incluyendo más de R$ 7 millones en plantas solares en Uberaba (MG), Itirapina (SP), y Sarutaiá (SP), así como más de R$ 1.1 millones en avanzados sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales.

    Siga leyendo para conocer más acerca de estas iniciativas resp…

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