Centro de Pesquisa

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  • Aviagen Brief: Optimizing Nutrition of Modern Broilers

    When considering nutrition’s role in the management of the ever-changing and improving broiler, balanced protein (BP) and feed texture are vital features. Along with affecting productivity, inadequate BP may also strongly affect economic profitability due to potential negati… Leia mais

  • Video Series: Post-Mortem Evaluation

    This training module was developed to assist and maximize the post-mortem process and evaluate the bird's lesions to determine their likely cause and possible significance. Leia mais

  • Manual de Miopatias em Frangos de Corte

    Nos últimos anos tem havido um aumento no número de BM nos abatedouros de aves que, em alguns casos, pode acarretar graves consequências econômicas para o produtor e ter impacto negativo na preferência do consumidor pela carne de frango. Leia mais

  • Pontuação de Miopatia Peitoral

    Os diagramas de BM abaixo indicam a localização e a gravidade de algumas das miopatias mencionadas no Manual de miopatias em frangos de corte. O sistema de pontuação mostrado nesses diagramas é apenas para fins de pesquisa e investigação: as pontuações não mostram os critéri… Leia mais

  • Ross Parent Stock Pocket Guide: Rearing

    This Pocket Guide summarizes best practice management for parent stock during the rearing stage. Leia mais

  • Ross Parent Stock Pocket Guide: Production

    This Pocket Guide summarizes best practice management for parent stock during the production stage. Leia mais

  • Aviagen Brief: Staphylococcus Infections in Breeding Stock

    A Staphylococcus infection, or Staphylococcosis, refers to diseases caused by Staphylococci bacteria and in breeding stock, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the most common form of the infection. Leia mais

  • UniPlus – Ross – Uniformity Spreadsheet Tool

    UniPlus – An Excel spreadsheet tool to predict the weight distribution of a flock of either single sex or mixed sex birds from either sample weights or average weight and coefficient of variation.  The tool is useful for either predicting broiler kill weight ranges or broile… Leia mais

  • UniPlus Lite – Ross – Uniformity Spreadsheet Tool

    UniPlus Lite – An Excel spreadsheet tool to predict the weight distribution of a flock of either single sex or mixed sex birds from either sample weights or average weight and coefficient of variation. The tool is useful for either predicting broiler kill weight ranges or br… Leia mais

  • Read Me Instructions for the UniPlus Tool

    The document includes instructions and system requirements for the UniPlus - Uniiformity Spreadsheet Tool. Leia mais

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